It is the policy of Ascending Counseling Solutions, LLC to adhere to this mission statement, philosophy, and purpose. These principals serve as the foundation of the program and as the reference to every choice and decision that is made in the name of Ascending Counseling Solutions.

About ACS

Our Philosophy

Our philosophy is to preserve the family unit by motivating and empowering them with the appropriate tools, social skills, and coping strategies. Ascending Counseling Solutions home based counseling program is clinically designed to improve circumstances surrounding daily life, family interaction, and to connect families to available resources in their community. We provide support to children to ensure that their mental health needs, be it at home or at school, are being met effectively.

The home-based counseling program consist of support with making effective transitions (from group homes/ detention centers/ hospitalization etc.), behavior issues at home, school, or in the community, and the psychological effects of dealing with death of family members and other traumatic events and experiences.

Our Mission

Ascending Counseling Solutions Program’s goal is to make certain that the family unit is equipped with the necessary psychological resources by inspiring and uplifting them with strategies and interventions to prevent turmoil amongst family and community members.

Through developing strategies to improve behavior management in the home, school, and in the community, Ascending Counseling Solutions strives to support clients and their families in achieving independence in coordinating their mental health, social health, emotional health, physical health, and safety needs so as to become an asset to their community.

Our Purpose

Ascending Counseling Solutions primary sole purpose is to identify at-risk individuals in the community in need of support. We provide quality services, which are designed to develop children, adolescents, and teenagers with mental instability into productive and healthy citizens.

Our goal is to help individuals maintain healthy and positive relationships with peers, associates, and family at home and in their community. We seek to assist individuals and families in developing appropriate boundaries while decreasing inappropriate behaviors. We strive to enable clients and their families to effectively utilize community and internal resources to achieve positive outcomes.

The home-based and outpatient therapy program provides comprehensive assessments, short term and solution-focused strategies to enhance emotional and behavioral stability in the home, school and community environment.